Flying from Germany to East-Asia normally means a stop-over in Abu Dhabi. The airport was more crowded than ever and a
new terminal has been built. Some of the old oriental flair has vanished though.
Some hours after we left, we were happy to hear the announcment:
"The captain informs you that we have started our descent to Ho Chi Minh City, Tan Son Nhat international airport."
The Bitexco Financial Tower is one of the icons of modern Saigon (fotos above right and 4 below).
It obviously the pride of HCMC, and HCMC hopes to catch up to cities like Hongkonk or Bangkok. But there is a risk, that
all the big cities will look the same one day.
The platform on its top offers a fantastic view of the town and its surroundings. It was sunset and while we walked
around, the sky turned lilac and one by one the lights went on.
The Central Post Office, a successful blend of the typical turn-of-the-century European architectural style for
public buildings and of Asian taste for bright colours and dark, beautifully polished wood. The old glass
and wood phone boxes make you feel thrown back into a bygone past. But they still do their duty, even in this age
of smartphones, tablets and Skype. Together with the neo-romanic Notre Dame next to the post-office here is the
french colonial heart of Saigon. |
The Taoist Jade Emperor Pagoda has a most impressive atmosphere.
Hindu temples are always the most colourful buildings.
The Ben Than market offers a hige variety of clothes and food. Our favourite was the
spicy hot dried beef.
HCMC has some large parks with an abundance of lovely flowers. A good place to practise Tai Chi.
Traffic is very dense with millions of motorcycles. Those extremely friendly, nice and polite people
transmute into little monsters when on motorbike, ready to drive off your toes anytime if you don't step back quickly.
You think you are safe on the sidewalk ? They chase you even there, trying to find a shortcut through the traffic jam.
The lack of a public transport system is all to obvious.
Practically every boat on the river has 'eyes' painted on it. They should keep away evil spirits.
Along the river were some slums, the only ones, we have seen in Vietnam. Our guide explained that some newcomers to
HCMC live that way for a while, till they can afford decent flats.
It's luxury, but after you spend the whole dayin the hot city, it's great to have a hotel with a swimming pool.
This one had also great views over the city.
After walking through town the whole day, we thought it to be a good idea to have a foot massage
But rather then a traditional massage we opted for the fish massage. Hundreds of little fishes nibble at your hard
skin. They are really enthusiastic about it and its a pleasant though ticklish experience.
The fishes (Garra Rufa) are endemic in Turkey and Iraq, but are bred in some countries now.
Whether they are always kept species-appropriate may be doubted.
On the right side just 2 examples of trendy restaurants we have been to.